Erin Feldman, MSc student
Erin is studying expression of CAZymes in the ericoid mycorrhizal fungus, Oidiodendron maius.
Kyle Fitzgerald, Honours student
Kyle is studying how nitrogen moves in ectomycorrhizal pine seedlings.
Paige Munro, MSc student
I am interested in studying the effectiveness of orchard floor management treatments and irrigation methods on cherry replant disorder in newly planted north Okanagan orchards and well-established central Okanagan orchards.
Josh Smith, MSc student
I am interested in the quantification of the saprotrophic capability of ericoid and ectomycorrhizal fungi in a controlled laboratory environment, with the intention of transitioning to field work for my PhD. This will be done by differentiating between fungal carbon sources via stable-isotope labeling of carbon in mycorrhizal systems.
Cameron Longfellow, Honours student
Cameron is studying how nitrogen moves in ectomycorrhizal pine seedlings.
Recent Alumni
Matthew Whiteside, Post-doctoral Fellow (2011-2014)
Distribution of nutrients by ectomycorrhizal fungi in common mycelial networks depending on carbon supply from, or nutrient status of the host plant.
Current address: Free University of Amsterdam
Aaron Godin, MSc (2010-2013)
Soil nutrient status and fungal community structure of high and low phosphatase microsites in a mixed Douglas-fir paper birch stand
Current address: GreenTec Bio-Pharmaceuticals Corporation, Kelowna
Bailey Nicholson, MSc (2010-2014)
Environment is more important than fungal identity in determining mycorrhizosphere enzyme activities of subalpine fir seedlings from clearcuts and mature forests.
Current address: Worley-Parsons Consulting, Calgary
Jennifer Walker, PhD (2007-2012)
The effect of decayed or downed wood on the structure and function of ectomycorrhizal fungal communities at a high elevation forest
Current address: University of Aberdeen, Scotland
Lori Phillips, PDF (2008-2010)
The effect of long term fertilization of sub-boreal pine and spruce stands on soil organic matter chemistry and microbial processing, and soil fungal communities
Current address: Research Scientist, Agriculture and Agri-food Canada, Harrow, Ontario.
Tristyn Hay, MSc (2009-2012)
The effect of long term fertilization on the ectomycorrhizal fungal community of interior spruce roots.
Current address: Biology Department, UBC Okanagan, Kelowna.
Val Ward, technician (2004-2015)
Kirsten Hannam, Research Associate (2012-2015)
Current address: Forestry Canada